双语 | 雄安新区极有可能效仿新加坡,推行土地管理
双语 | 雄安新区极有可能效仿新加坡,推行土地管理
作为接替北京非首都职能的新区,雄安正在紧锣密布地推进一系列项目政策,实现城市可持续发展。 Spanning the counties of Xiongxian, Rongcheng and Anxin, the 2,000-square-kilometer mini-city of Xiongan wi......作为接替北京非首都职能的新区,雄安正在紧锣密布地推进一系列项目政策,实现城市可持续发展。
Spanning the counties of Xiongxian, Rongcheng and Anxin, the 2,000-square-kilometer "mini-city" of Xiongan will takeover Beijing’s so-called non-capital functions, such as large enterprises, financial institutions, colleges and research institutions, helping to relieve pressure in the congested capital.
According to estimates made by the management committee of Xiongan New Area, in the six months following its establishment, 65 companies have already moved there from Beijing. At night, yellow lights from all the new office buildings illuminate the once-dark, quiet little town.
But the surge in population will also bring new challenges, including difficulties finding housing, setting up a transportation infrastructure and establishing social welfare. How to build a livable green city that meets the needs of these new transplants will be the top priority for the city’s planners and administrators.
A study by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) this April said that Xiongan should try to avoid overpopulation, a common phenomenon in many big Chinese cities that has lead to housing, transportation and environmental problems.
With its current population of 1.13 million, the study said that Xiongan’s future population should be maintained within 5 million. Reports by the Xinhua News Agency, however, put the future population of Xiongan at around 2.5 million.
As Xiongan has positioned itself as a green, smart city of innovation, the CASS report projects that a large number of its future population will be high-endtalents who moved there with their companies. Locals, including urban citizensand peasants, will mainly work in the service sector or in jobs which haverelatively lower technical requirements.
Another challenge lies in how to deal with the local population working in Xiongan’s older industries, which are now undergoing a transformation. In the half-year since it was established, 9,000 small manufacturing businesses in Xiongan that failed to meet environmental requirements have been asked to fold, thereby increasing the local unemployment rate.
Many local construction companies have also halted their projects due to tight controls on China’s real estate market. The sudden jobless population of construction workers will be another big challenge for the New Area’s management committee and the local government.
The management committee said that it has already rolled out a series of measures to ensure their employment. Over 80 central-government-owned enterprises and local enterprises have provided 100,000 jobs in the counties, and Hebei authorities launched campaigns to provide new training for locals in accounting, housekeeping, afforestation, gardening and even tea ceremony.
In the future, Xiongan’s housing market will very likely follow the model of Singapore, whose government directly manages many lands and constructs public or low-rent housing for those in need, according to Wu Hequan, deputy head of the expert advisory committee on the collaborative development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei under the State Council.
Xiongan’s local authorities are already planning to boost the construction of affordable rental properties for new comers. The authorities will also establish a point-based system to determine which migrants will be qualified to purchase these homes. Only those who have lived and worked in Xiongan for a certain number of years will be eligible to purchase homes.