双语 | 移动支付这么厉害,无现金化排名中国才第6
双语 | 移动支付这么厉害,无现金化排名中国才第6
据国外媒体报道,市场研究机构Forex Bonuses近日评出全球十大在非现金交易方面领先的国家,加拿大、瑞典和英国分列前三甲,而中国仅排第六。 The rankings were based on six metrics: the numbe......据国外媒体报道,市场研究机构Forex Bonuses近日评出全球十大在非现金交易方面领先的国家,加拿大、瑞典和英国分列前三甲,而中国仅排第六。
The rankings were based on six metrics: the number of credit cards per person; the number of debit cards per person; the cards in issue that have contactless functionality; the growth of cashless payments over the past five years; payment transactions made using non-cash methods; and the number of people that are aware of what mobile payments options they have available to use.
Canada topped the table because its citizens have more than two credit cards per person, and the majority (57pc) of payments are made using cashless methods. However, it had the lowest number of debit cards per capita of all countries included in the research, and only 26pc of its debt cards have contactless functionality.
In Sweden, 59pc of consumer transactions are completed through non-cash methods, and 47pc of citizens are aware of the types of mobile payment services available to them, making it the second most cashless country in the world, according to Forex Bonuses.
The UK is the third most cashless society in the world, In the UK, 41pc of cards have contactless functionality, and British consumers own 1.48 debit cards per capita, pushing it to third place in the charts.
China ranks at number six in the list. While the Asian superpower has strong scores for many metrics, it is let down by a lack of credit card usage and a high remaining prevalence for cash payments, using cashless methods for only 10pc of transactions.
Overall, Beijing ranked first in the penetration of a cashless society, followed by Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Shanghai.The cities of Dongguan and Foshan were the dark horses in the top 10, ranking sixth and 10th, respectively.
About 14 percent people don't carry any cash when they go out, as mobile payments replace wallets in China. Another 26 percent consumers carry less than 100 yuan and about 74 percent said they can survive for over one month with only 100 yuan cash in their pocket, and 84% were "comfortable" going out with only mobile phones, no cash.