双语 | 征收房地产税确凿无疑
双语 | 征收房地产税确凿无疑
After years of delay and quiet opposition from vested interests, China will push ahead with a property tax that is viewed as crucial to taming the countrys housing bubble. 在经历了多年的拖延和利益团队的暗地反对后,中国将...... After years of delay and quiet opposition from vested interests, China will push ahead with a property tax that is viewed as crucial to taming the country’s housing bubble. 在经历了多年的拖延和利益团队的暗地反对后,中国将推进征收房地产税,此举被视为遏制房地产泡沫的关键决策。 House prices in major Chinese cities are among the highest in the world in terms of price-income ratios, with speculative demand from Chinese investors ― who see few other good places to park their savings ― as a major driver. The result is an estimated 50m empty homes, according to a broad survey by researchers from Southwestern University of Finance and Economics in Chengdu. 中国主要城市的房价在价格收入比方面位居世界前列,而这其中中国投资者的投机需求是推动房价上涨的主要因素。据成都西南财经大学的一项调查显示,全国大约有5000万套空置房屋。 A landmark blueprint for economic reform that the Communist party leadership approved five years ago included a pledge to push ahead with a property tax. But a subsequent slowdown in the economy, including a housing-market downturn in 2014-15, prompted authorities to shelve those plans. 五年前,中共领导层批准了一份具有里程碑意义的经济改革蓝图,其中包括一项推进房地产税的承诺。但随后的经济放缓,包括2014至2015年间房地产市场的低迷,促使当局搁置了这些计划。 Quiet opposition from wealthy urbanites, including government officials who own multiple homes, also hindered progress. 而同时,来自富裕城市居民的悄悄反对,这其中包括拥有多套房产的政府官员,也阻碍了房产税的推进。 The property market has since come roaring back, prompting one senior lawmaker to warn that the economy has been “kidnapped” by excessive reliance on property. 在那之后,房地产市场出现了反弹上涨,促使一位资深议员警告称中国经济因过度依赖房地产已被“绑架”。 In his annual work report at the opening of China’s annual parliament session last month, Premier Li Keqiang called for advancing property-tax legislation, the first time since 2014 that the work report contained such a reference. 在上个月的中国全国人大代表大会开幕式,李总理呼吁推进房产税立法,这是自2014年起首次在政府工作报告中提及该税。 Rosealea Yao, property analyst at research group Gavekal Dragonomics in Beijing, believes that draft legislation could be published by the end of this year, with actual taxes levied by the end of 2019. 北京龙洲经讯咨询公司的房地产分析师姚女士认为,立法草案可能会在今年底公布,实际税收则将发生在2019年底前。 Still, uncertainty remains over basic features of the tax, such as which flats will be taxed and at what rates. Pilot tax schemes in Chongqing and Shanghai launched in 2011 shielded lower-income homeowners by taxing only higher-priced units or exempting first homes altogether. Tax rates in the two cities ranged from 0.4 to 1.2 per cent. 然而,该税收的基本情况仍存在不确定性,譬如哪些单位将被征税,以及税率如何等等。重庆和上海在2011启动了试点房产税收计划,为保护低收入房主,只对价格较高的单位征税或完全赦免首套住房。这两个城市的税率从0.4%到1.2%不等。 Homeowners have feared that a property tax will hurt the value of their homes, but Ms. Yao expects the eventual plan to be designed to minimise the market impact. Such safeguards could include an extended phase-in and corresponding cuts to existing taxes on property transactions. 房主担心房产税会损害他们房屋的价值,但姚女士预测最终的计划将尽量减少对市场的影响。这类保障措施可能包括分期引入房地产税,或者对现有的房地产交易税进行相应地削减。 “It seems that the odds of the eventual passage of a property tax are rising, but that the odds that it will be a shock to the market are falling,” she wrote in a report. 姚女士在一份报告中写道:“房产税最终获得通过的可能性似乎在上升,但该税对市场造成冲击的可能性正在下降。”===============================听外媒聊金融,更多精彩内容:爱奇艺申请IPO,来了解一下还有谁将进军资本市场优步自动驾驶汽车撞死行人崭新的女性企业文化全国两会来了!这份双语指南请收好!阿里巴巴危险的信用评级制度京东拟明年进军欧洲中国房地产政策收紧谷歌和腾讯达成专利共享协议女性成为家庭经济的主导者我的新年计划:再也不做月光族