
autumn 0 2024-10-17

financial market and institution


equity 股权

futures 期货

monetary policy 货币政策

capital cap 资本上限

depository 存储的

policy bank 政策银行

state-owned commercial bank 国有商业银行

joint-equity commercial bank 股份制商业银行

postal saving bank 邮政储蓄银行

trust and investment company 信托投资公司

intermediary 中介机构

contractual 合同的

underwriter 保险商

brokerage firm 经纪公司

derivative 衍生产品

note market 票据市场

primary market 一级市场

secondary market 二级市场

London Stock Exchange 伦敦证券交易所


devaluation 货币贬值

deposit and withdrawal


speculation 投机

full-scale trade war 全面贸易战

reserve ratio 存款准备金率

debt-for-equity swap 债转股

the US Federal Reserve 美联储

digital currency 数字货币

legal tender 法定货币

monetary attribute 货币属性

Central Bank digital currency 央行数字货币

circulation 流通

fake cash 假币

debit card 借记卡

Bank of China 中国银行

mature 到期

time deposit 定期存款

maturity date 到期日

demand deposit 活期存款

checking account 支票账户

current account 活期账户

certificate of deposit 存单 CD

deposit book 存折

paycheck 付薪金支票

lost passbook affidavit 存折挂失声明

withdrawal slip 取款单

account balance 账户结余

credit card


overdraft 透支

outstanding 未偿付的

credit limit 信用额度

sales slip 销售凭条

monthly statement 月对帐单

outstanding balance 未付余额

grace period 宽限期

compound interest 复利

rebate 退款

credit rating 信用等级

annual fee 年费

card issuer 发卡机构

sales revenue 销售收入



green finance 绿色金融

pilot program 试点计划

green credit 绿色信贷

Agricultural Development Bank of China 中国农业发展银行

quota 配额

small and micro enterprises 小微企业

policy package 一揽子政策

corporate loan 公司贷款

housing loan 住房贷款

student loan 助学贷款

housing provident fund 住房公积金

floating rate 浮动利率

speculative 投机的

loan proposal 贷款申请

be entrusted to 被委托给

foreign exchange loan 外汇贷款

deduct 减去

second-hand housing loan 二手房贷

proof of employment and income 工作收入证明

insurance policy 保险单

asset management


Alipay 支付宝

affiliate company 联营公司

counterpart 对应方

pay off 偿清

Yu'ebao 余额宝

impulsive spending 冲动消费

real time transfer 即时转账

annualized yield 年收益

financing product 理财产品

mount 上升

receipt 收据

home loan payment 房贷支付

stock account 股票账户

open-ended fund 开放式基金

professional fund manager 专业基金经理

overspend 超支

balance sheet 资产负债表

government bond 政府公债

net present value 净现值 NPV

capitalization rate 资本化率

internal rate of return 内部收益率 IRR



property insurance 财产保险

premium income 保费收入

policy 保单

reimburse 偿还

depreciation 贬值

flood insurance 洪水保险

Insurance Information Institute 保险信息协会

dividend deposit 红利存款

dividend participated deposit 分红派息存款

Bank-Insurance Link 银保通

cargo insurance 货物保险

With Particular Average 水渍险WPA

Free from Particular Average 平安险FPA

insurer 保险公司

low-risk 低风险的

deductible 免赔额

shortfall 差额




上一篇: 个人理财真题(个人理财真题及解析)
下一篇: 个人理财账单(个人理财账单模板)