
Nancy 0 2024-08-02

世界在云端│ Global 3 全球管理硕士项目首度线上毕业典礼

世界在云端│ Global 3 全球管理硕士项目首度线上毕业典礼 中山大学岭南学院

2020年6月12日是一个原本平凡的日子,但一场跨越三大洲的云毕业典礼赋予了它独特的意义。2020届的38名Global 3全球管理硕士项目学生在这一天迎来了他们的毕业日,至此,这段充满了挑战的学年正式落下帷幕。来自11个国家和地区的毕业生们分散在世界的各个角落,他们横跨三个时区,与中山大学岭南(大学)学院、ESADE商学院以及弗吉尼亚大学麦金太尔商学院的三位院长和老师们相聚在云端,分享喜悦,共庆成就。


此次特殊的毕业典礼直播由院长、学术主任、学生代表发言、毕业生亮相及欢庆时刻几个环节构成。活动全程由ESADE商学院的院长Josep Franch教授主持,我院院长陆军教授、项目学术主任刘衡教授和学生代表黄雯珊受邀发表讲话。三方院校群策群力,共同为毕业生及其亲朋好友打造了一个简洁温馨并充满创意的云端典礼。作为三国项目历史中的首次线上毕业典礼,该直播在ESADE项目官方网站和YouTube平台上同时播放。

“Together, we marked these days of uncertainty and complexity by acts of creativity and dedication.”

―― Dean Lu

在院长讲话环节中,我院陆军院长首先回顾了这一学年里大家受疫情影响所经历的困难与挑战,并且重点表达了对毕业生们勤奋好学、坚持不懈、百折不挠等良好品质的由衷赞赏。麦金太尔商学院的Carl Zeithaml院长则鼓励大家在未来的工作生活中保有远大志向,敢于接受挑战,乐于建立信任,以此推动商业甚至世界的改变。ESADE商学院院长Josep Franch教授也对同学们寄予厚望,希望他们能积极创造属于自己的未来。


Carl Zeithaml院长讲话

Josep Franch院长讲话

“Become comfortable with being uncomfortable.”

―― Prof. Amanda Cowen



Amanda Cowen教授讲话(UVA)


“We inspired to change the world for the better.”

―― Evert Sanders


Justin Flynn (美国)

Wenshan Huang(中国)

Evert Sanders (荷兰)

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.”

――Abraham Lincoln


The First Online Graduation Ceremony for Global 3

On June 12th,the 38 graduates of Global 3 Program had their very special online graduation ceremony for the 2019-2020 academic year. Students from 11 regions and countries gathered together on the cloud to celebrate their achievements with faculty and staff from Lingnan (University) College (China), ESADE Business School (Spain), and McIntire School of Commerce (U.S.). As the first ever virtual graduation ceremony in the history of Global 3 Program, the event was presented in live streaming on the official website of ESADE as well as YouTube crossing three time zones of China, Europe, and USA.

“Together, we marked these days of uncertainty and complexity by acts of creativity and dedication.”

――Dean Lu

The commencement was structured by five parts including speeches of three deans, academic directors, student delegates, presentation of all the graduates, and celebration moment. The entire ceremony was hosted by Prof. Josep Franch, the Dean of ESADE. Our Dean Lu Jun, Prof. Liu Heng as the program academic director, and Huang Wenshan as one of the student delegates were invited to speak on the event. Dean Lu first explained all the difficulties that students experienced during the academic year due to the pandemic. He particularly complimented on graduates'great qualities of perseverance, adaptability, and teamwork spirit that were demonstrated during global crisis management. Prof. Carl Zeithaml, the Dean of McIntire then encouraged graduates to have ambitions, seek challenges, and maintain trust in their future professional and personal life. Prof. Zeithaml indicated that it is graduates'responsibilities to continually establish thoughtful and meaningful engagements with individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds in order to build not only better businesses but a better world. Prof. Josep Franch as the Dean of ESADE also place great expectations on students, hoping they could be initiative and create their own future.

“Become comfortable with being uncomfortable.”

――Prof. Amanda Cowen

Academic directors from three schools reviewed the past of the academic year while recognizing the strong adaptability of students when facing conflicts and differences in terms of cultures, life styles, and thought patterns. They emphasized that the program does not only teach professional skills and theories, more importantly, it helps students to make great improvements in crisis management, problem solving as well as collaboration skills. Student delegates were excited and proud to urge everyone to bring positive changes to the global business community with their international leadership, and also to support each other continually in the future.

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.”

――Abraham Lincoln

The graduation is not an end but rather a fresh start of your career life, we wish you all the best, and congratulations again to the class of 2020!


Graduation Speech from Dean Lu

Good morning to the U.S.; good afternoon to Europe; and good evening to China. I appreciate your presences at this hard time. It is my great pleasure to witness your glory day online for the first time. This academic year has been extremely challenging and difficult for all of us, yet I am very glad that you all have successfully completed the program.

It supposed to be a normal semester in Lingnan, where you finished two-week classes, and ready for your Spring Festival holiday to explore cities and cultures in China. Then everything changed overnight. As we have already known, the pandemic attacked the whole world. In consideration of your health and safety, three schools decided to replace the rest semesters in China and Spain with online courses. Your study and even your life changed along with the outbreak of coronavirus.

Despite all the unexpected challenges, you still demonstrated great perseverance, adaptability, and resilience that a future business leader should have. All these remarkable qualities reflect when you insist on participating in group discussions crossing three time zones; they shine when you continue absorbing new knowledge from intensive courses for months; they particularly stand out when you manage global crisis corporately as a team. What you have demonstrated during this academic year are impressive. I am proud to say that every one of you have made a spectacular achievement.

I appreciate the joint efforts of both our students and collaborative faculty and staff. Together, we marked these days of uncertainty and complexity by acts of creativity and dedication. I have no doubts that the entrepreneur spirit has been deeply planted in your heart, and it will only grow stronger as your future spreads out from here. This year is a special year, and every piece of contribution that you have made will become a unique part of our program history. Graduates, after a hard-working year, now it is time for you to celebrate your accomplishment and success.

Thank you!




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