
Aidan 0 2024-02-15






6.Decluttering to the Extreme


My parents are in their mid-80s and have been living in the same house for decades. Over the past couple of years they have started getting rid of all the bric-a-brac they’ve accumulated. Their goal is either to sell and move into a retirement community or, at the least, make it easier for my brother and I down the road when we inherit the home.


There hasn’t been much junk among the items they’ve parted with save for the wall clock they gave me and swore it worked (it doesn’t). But there were also items my father wisely ran past his lawyer before dumping: Bookkeeping records from the business he owned for years. He was cleared.


Still, that’s fair warning:Be careful about what you throw out in haste.Sentimental value aside, certain professionals including doctors, dentists, lawyers and accountants can be required by state law to retain records for years after retirement. Same goes for records related to the purchase and capital improvement of your home; purchases of stocks and funds in taxable investment accounts; and contributions to retirement accounts (in particular nondeductible IRA contributions reported on IRS Form 8606). All can be used to determine the correct tax basis on assets to avoid paying more in taxes than you owe.


7.Putting Your Kids First


Sure, you want your children to have the best —best education, best wedding, best everything. And if you can afford it, by all means open your wallet. But footing the bill for private tuition and lavish nuptials at the expense of your own retirement savings could come back to haunt all of you.


“You cannot borrow for your retirement living,’’says Joe Ready, executive vice president of Wells Fargo Institutional Retirement and Trust. “[But] you may have other avenues beyond [borrowing from] your 401(k) plan to help fund a child’s education.”Instead, Ready says parents and their kids should explore scholarships, grants, student loans and less expensive in-state schools in lieu of raiding the retirement nest egg. (There are many smart ways to save on weddings, too.)

“你不能为了其他事项提前支付你的退休金”,富国银行退休和信托公司执行副总裁Joe Ready说,“但你还有其他途径可以帮助你的孩子接受更好的教育。”父母和孩子应该在奖学金、助学金、学生贷款和比较便宜的公立学校方面想办法,而不是不断压榨父母的退休储蓄。当然,在婚礼上省钱的方法就更多了。

No one plans to go broke in retirement, but it can happen for many reasons. One of the biggest reasons, of course, is not saving enough to begin with. If you’re not prudent now, you might end up being the one moving into your kid’s basement later.


8.Buying into a Time-Share


It’s easy to see the appeal of a time-share during retirement. Now that you’re free from the 9-to-5 grind, you can visit a favorite vacation spot more frequently. And if you get bored, simply swap for slots at other destinations within the time-share network. Great deal, right? Not always.



Buyers who don’t grasp the full financial implications of a time-share can quickly come to regret the purchase. In addition to thousands paid upfront, maintenance fees average upward of $660 a year, and special assessments can be levied for major renovations. There are also travel costs, which run high to vacation hotspots such as Hawaii, Mexico or the Bahamas.


And good luck if you develop buyer’s remorse. “The real estate market is flush with used time-shares, which means you probably won’t get the price you want for yours –if you can sell it at all”, says Ron Kelemen, a Salem, Ore.-based financial planner. Even if you do find a potential buyer, beware: The time-share market is rife with scammers.


9.Avoiding the Stock Market


“Shying away from stocks because they seem too risky ”is one of the biggest mistakes investors make when saving for retirement.”True, the market has plenty of ups and downs, but since 1926 stocks have returned an average of about 10% a year. Bonds, CDs, bank accounts and mattresses don’t come close.


“Conventional wisdom may indicate the stock market is ‘risky’and therefore should be avoided if your goal is to keep your money safe,”says Elizabeth Muldowney Samuelson, a financial adviser with Savant Capital Management in Rockford, Ill. “However, this comes at the expense of low returns and, in fact, you have not eliminated your risk by avoiding the stock market, but rather shifted your risk to the possibility of your money not keeping up with inflation.”

“传统的观念认为股市是有风险的,因此如果你的目标是保证资产安全,那你就应该远离股市。”一家资产管理公司的金融顾问Elizabeth Muldowney Samuelson说道,“然而,这是以低回报为代价的。事实上,你并没有通过回避股市来消除风险,而是将这些风险转移到了低收益的投资上,而这些投资并不能与通货膨胀保持一致。”

We favor low-cost mutual funds and exchange-traded funds because they offer an affordable way to own a piece of hundreds or even thousands of companies without having to buy individual stocks. And don’t even think about retiring your stock portfolio once you reach retirement age, says Sweeney, of Fidelity Investments. Nest eggs need to keep growing to finance a retirement that might last 30 years. You do, however, need to ratchet down risk as you age by gradually reducing your exposure to stocks.








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