
John 0 2024-02-15





9Financial Decisions You Will Regret in Retirement

As more and more baby boomers start eyeing the coastline of retirement, thoughts turn from the daily worry over the Monday-through-Friday commute to concerns about how to fund the golden years.


How prepared are you? Do you know the ins and outs of your pension (if you’re lucky enough to have one)? How about your 401(k), IRA and other retirement accounts that make up your nest egg? Do you have a good handle on when to claim Social Security benefits? These are some of the questions you will have to contemplate as the work days wind down. But long before you punch out, make sure you are making the right choices.


To help you out, we’ve compiled a list of retirement decisions some of you may regret forever. Take a look to see if any sound familiar.


1.Relocating on a Whim


The lure of warmer climates has long been the siren call of many who are approaching retirement. So you’re cooking up a plan to one of the many other great places to retire if you hate the cold. Our best advice: Test the waters before you make a permanent move.


Too many folks have trudged off willy-nilly to what they thought was a dream destination only to find that it’s more akin to a nightmare. The pace of life is too slow, everyone is a stranger, and endless rounds of golf and walks on the beach grow tiresome. Well before your retirement date, spend extended vacation time in your anointed destination to get a feel for the people and lifestyle. This is especially true if you’re thinking about retiring overseas, where new languages, laws and customs can overwhelm even the hardiest retirees.


2.Falling for Too-Good-To-Be-True Offers


Hard work, careful planning and decades’worth of wealth-building are the foundations for achieving financial security in retirement. There are no short cuts. Yet, in 2016Americans lost $765 million to get-rich-quick and other scams, according to the FTC. Of the more than 3 million complaints received last year, 37% were filed by victims ages 60 and over.


The South Carolina Attorney General’s office and the FTC offer tips for spotting too-good-to-be-true offers. Tell-tale signs include guarantees of spectacular profits in a short time frame without risk; requests to wire money or pay a fee before you can receive a prize; or unnecessary demands to provide bank account and credit card numbers, Social Security numbers or other sensitive financial information. Also be wary of –in fact, run away from –anyone pressuring you to make an immediate decision or discouraging you from getting advice from an impartial third party.


What do you do if you suspect a scam? The FTC advises running the company or product name, along with “review,”“complaint”or “scam,”through Google or another search engine. You can also check with your local consumer protection office or your state attorney general to see if they’ve fielded any complaints. If they have, add yours to the list. Be sure to file a complaint with the FTC, too.


3.Planning to Work Indefinitely


Many baby boomers like me have every intention of staying on the job until 70, either because we want to, we have to, or we desire to maximize our Social Security checks. But that plan could backfire. You could be forced to retire early for any number of reasons.


Consider this: One in four U.S. workers expects to work beyond age 70 to make ends meet, according to a recent Willis Towers Watson survey. Yet, you can't count on being able to bring in a paycheck if you need it. While 51% of workers expect to continue working some in retirement, found a separate 2015 survey from the Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies, only 6% of actual retirees report working in retirement as a source of income.


Whether you work is not always up to you. Three out of five retirees left the workforce earlier than planned, according to Transamerica. Of those, 66% did so because of employment-related issues, including organizational changes at their companies, losing their jobs and taking buyouts. Health-related issues—either their own ill health or that of a loved one—was cited by 37%.


The actionable advice: Assume the worst, and save early and often.


4.Putting Off Saving for Retirement


The single biggest financial regret of Americans surveyed by Bankrate was waiting too long to start saving for retirement. Not surprisingly, respondents 50 and older expressed this regret at a much higher rate than younger respondents.


“Many people do not start to aggressively save for retirement until they reach their 40s or 50s,’’says Ajay Kaisth, a certified financial planner with KAI Advisors in Princeton Junction, N.J. “The good news for these investors is that they may still have enough time to change their savings behavior and achieve their goals, but they will need to take action quickly and be extremely disciplined about their savings.”


5.Claiming Social Security Early


You’re entitled to start taking retirement benefits at 62, but you probably shouldn’t. Most financial planners recommend waiting at least until your full retirement age –currently 66 and gradually rising to 67 for those born after 1959 –before tapping Social Security. Waiting until 70 can be even better.


“If you can live off your portfolio for a few years to delay claiming, do so,”says Natalie Colley, a financial analyst at Francis Financial in New York City. “Where else will you get guaranteed returns of 8% from the market?”Alternatively, stay on the job longer, if feasible, or start a side gig to help bridge the financial gap. There are plenty of interesting ways to earn extra cash these days.






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