
lne 0 2024-02-15

双语 | 爱奇艺申请IPO,来了解一下还有谁将进军资本市场!

双语 | 爱奇艺申请IPO,来了解一下还有谁将进军资本市场!


A flurry of Chinese tech companies are set to tap capital markets this year, kicking off with an offering from Baidus iQiyi, a Netflix-style streaming platform that could raise up to $2.7bn. 一大批中国科技公司将于今年进军资本......A flurry of Chinese tech companies are set to tap capital markets this year, kicking off with an offering from Baidu’s iQiyi, a Netflix-style streaming platform that could raise up to $2.7bn.一大批中国科技公司将于今年进军资本市场,而百度旗下的爱奇艺上市则为这个盛宴拉开帷幕。爱奇艺是一家与Netflix类似的流媒体平台,此番上市预计将筹资27亿美元。This year’s pipeline follows a bumper year for initial public offerings from Chinese tech groups in 2017, with 88 issuers raising $7.6bn globally. However, just two deals in 2018 ― the iQiyi offer and an expected IPO for fintech group Lufax ―could enable China tech new listings market easily to eclipse 2017’s total.在2017年,许多中国科技集团就已争前抢后地首次公开发行,17年整年在全球各地上市的中国科技企业共有88家,共筹资76亿美元。然而,2018年度可能仅需要两笔交易―爱奇艺以及金融科技集团陆金所的上市―就可以让其全年科技公司上市筹资规模轻松超越2017年。“The pipeline is the strongest in many years and more diversified. Though tech, financials, fintech, consumer, healthcare and real estate? [are] still the biggest sectors,” said Ashu Khullar, head of capital markets origination, Citi Asia Pacific.花旗亚太区资本市场发行业务负责人AshuKhullar先生表示,“从上市募投商业计划书来看,尽管科技、金融、金融科技、消费、医疗保健和房地产等行业仍是上市团队的主力军,今年将会是多年以来最火爆并且最多元化的一年。Movies and music take up the baton from fintech, which dominated last year’s listings calendar from China. The shift comes as the country’s entertainment industry ―not long ago a hotbed for bootleg DVDs and other piracy ― has begun to win over paying subscribers.金融科技行业在去年主导中国上市日程表,而电影和音乐行业则于今年接过接力棒。这一转变正值中国娱乐行业―不久前还是盗版DVD和其他盗版行为的温床―开始赢得付费用户青睐之际。Tencent’s video unit boasts some 63m paying subscribers, more than Netflix’s 53m (as of December). Tencent is ploughing money into the service to gain scale, with little regard for cost.腾讯视频自称拥有约6300万付费用户,甚至高于Netflix的5300万(数据截至去年12月)。据悉,腾讯正不惜成本地投入视频部门,欲扩大其市场规模。According to an iResearch Report cited in iQiyi’s filing, China’s online entertainment industry nearly trebled in the four years to 2016 to Rmb156.9bn ($25bn), and is predicted to generate some Rmb688.4bn in revenue by 2022.根据爱奇艺上市招股书中引用的一份iResearch的报告,中国在线娱乐业的规模在过去四年里增长了近两倍,达到1569亿元人民币(合250亿美元),预计到2022年前将创造约6884亿元人民币的收入。The biggest star in this year’s entertainment calendar is Tencent Music Entertainment, a spin-off from tech titan Tencent, TME was valued at $12.3bn.今年娱乐业上市日程表最大的明星是腾讯音乐娱乐集团。TME是科技巨头腾讯的分支公司,其估值约为123亿美元。Beyond entertainment, the tech theme broadly drives Chinese new issuance. Nio, the electric vehicle company backed by Tencent, is eyeing an IPO that is expected to raise $1bn-plus in the second half of the year.除了娱乐业以外,科技题材是中国新股发行的主推动力。腾讯投资的电动汽车公司蔚来正计划于今年下半年进行IPO, 预计筹资10亿多美元。Xiaomi has appointed bankers and also is aiming to list in the second half. The handset maker is seeking funding that would value the group at $100bn, though bankers and analysts expect this to be whittled back.小米则已经聘请几家投资银行担任其IPO承销商,计划在今年下半年上市。这家手机制造商寻求的筹资将使该集团估值达到1000亿美元,但据银行家和分析师预计,这个估值可能会降低。China fintech listings fizzled as a theme last year after Beijing started to crack down on dubious online lending practices. However, at least one big deal held back in 2017 is expected to resurface this year. Lufax, the world’s largest peer-to-peer lender and a unit of Ping An Insurance, is seeking to float in 2018, according to bankers briefed on the plan.在国家相关部门开始打击可疑在线贷款行为后,许多中国金融科技公司上市均以失败收场,金融科技企业的上市风潮日渐平息,。然而,至少有一笔在2017年被搁置的重大交易有望在今年重新浮出水面。据了解该计划的银行人士透露,全球最大P2P贷款平台、平安保险旗下的陆金所正考虑在2018上市。Lufax sought a $5bn listing in 2017 but delayed, with a banker at the time describing the uncertainty surrounding China’s regulation of online lending as a “time bomb".陆金所曾于2017年试图通过上市筹资50亿美元,但最后被迫推迟上市计划。当时一位银行人士将中国政府对网贷平台监管的不确定性描述为“定时炸弹”。===============================听外媒聊金融,更多精彩内容:优步自动驾驶汽车撞死行人崭新的女性企业文化全国两会来了!这份双语指南请收好!阿里巴巴危险的信用评级制度京东拟明年进军欧洲中国房地产政策收紧谷歌和腾讯达成专利共享协议女性成为家庭经济的主导者我的新年计划:再也不做月光族




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