
Wang 0 2024-02-15




一带一路 倡议有望产生实实在在的效益。但这一可能性是否会变为现实,则很大程度上要看中国的目标是什么。 One Belt, One Road and many questions If President Donald Trump is opening a void by withdr......“一带一路”倡议有望产生实实在在的效益。但这一可能性是否会变为现实,则很大程度上要看中国的目标是什么。

One Belt, One Road ― and many questions

If President Donald Trump is opening a void by withdrawing American leadership on global trade, President Xi is determined to fill it― and the world is taking notice of the shift. Nearly 30 heads of state, the chiefs of theInternational Monetary Fund,World Bank,the UN, anddelegates from around the worldconverged on Beijing for a conference promoting China’s Belt and Road initiative, its new Silk Road.


那么中国正决心填充这一真空,而世界正在注意到这一转变。近30个国家的领导人,国际货币基金组织(IMF)、世界银行(WB)、联合国(UN)的负责人,以及来自全球各国的代表齐聚北京,参加推销中国新丝绸之路――一带一路倡议(Belt and Road Initiative)――的会议。

The plan is a hugely ambitious one, to build roads, rails, ports, pipelines and other infrastructurejoining China to Central Asia, Europe and Africaby land and sea. Spurs from the overland “belt” and the maritime “road” reach into Southeast Asia and towards the Indian Ocean. Some$900bn of investments, financed by a variety of Chinese or China-backed banks and credit funds, are projected.


Visitors to the conference will have both hopes and fears. Rising western powers also deployed finance to develop markets for their products and expand political spheres of influence. Poorer countries were happy to take the money ― with mixed results for both sides.There is more going on here, however, than the repetition of a colonial pattern in the 21st century.


China presents the Silk Road not primarily as a development project, but as a stimulus for trade in a world struggling withmiddling economic growth and stalling trade volumes.Lower trade barriersandregulatory harmonisationare, quite rightly, on theagenda alongside infrastructure. Many of the countries the initiative would affect need better infrastructure and deeper international trade relationships. There is the potential for it to do real good.


Whether that potential is realised depends in large part on what China’s objectives are, and whether it pursues them with discipline. The initiative plays to China’s strengths. The country has more savings than it can invest at home and experience with big projects. The worry is the plan will export the worst aspects of the Chinese economy, while increasing the strains on its already stressed financial system.


For all the success of the Chinese economic expansion over the past several decades, the country is burdened byinefficient allocation of capital, which one might expect from an economy dominated by state-owned enterprises, and the resulting overcapacity in many industries. China may be primarily interested in redirecting surplus savings, exporting its overproduction and giving its own construction companies work abroad. If that is so, the projects that are built might not be the ones the host countries need. As such, they will not generate the expected revenues. The loans that back them will not be repaid, hurting the host country’s credit rating ― and leaving bad assets clogging the Chinese financial system.

尽管中国经济发展过去几十年里颇为成功,但该国仍受到资金配置效率低下以及随之而来的许多行业产能过剩的 拖累。中国的主要兴趣也许在于,改变过剩储蓄的流向,出口过剩产出,并让本国建筑企业接到境外业务。如果是这样,那么建成的项目未必是东道国所需要的。因 此,这些项目不会产生预期收入。支持项目建设的贷款将不会被偿还,进而损害东道国的信用评级,并导致不良资产堵塞中国的金融体系。

How will the world know if the initiative is working as hoped?By looking at the projects. While they are being built, local and global businesses, not just Chinese ones, should be involved. Once built, they should be well utilised. If these conditions are not met, it will be a clue that China, instead of contributing to the global recovery, is trying to export its own economic imbalances while buying regional leadership.






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