
小智 0 2024-02-15




Uber has suspended all testing of self-driving cars after a woman was killed crossing the road in what is believed to be the first fatal accident involving an autonomous vehicle and a pedestrian. 优步目前暂停了自动驾驶汽车的所有......Uber has suspended all testing of self-driving cars after a woman was killed crossing the road in what is believed to be the first fatal accident involving an autonomous vehicle and a pedestrian.优步目前暂停了自动驾驶汽车的所有测试,因为在测试过程中一名过马路的女子被撞身亡,据信这是涉及一辆自动驾驶汽车和一名行人的第一起致命事故。The woman’s death in Tempe, Arizona, will reawaken the debate over the safety of autonomous vehicles at a time when regulators and technology companies have been accelerating deployment of self-driving systems on public roads.这位女子在亚利桑那州坦佩(Tempe)死亡的事件,将重新点燃围绕自动驾驶汽车安全性的辩论,而目前监管机构和科技公司都在加快推进让自动驾驶系统在公共道路上行驶的计划。The incident also represents another setback for Uber following a series of scandals ― which included allegations of widespread sexual harassment, data breaches and a lawsuit from Alphabet ― that led to the departure of Travis Kalanick as chief executive.这起事件也是优步在大范围性骚扰的指控、数据泄密以及Alphabet提起的诉讼等一系列丑闻后的又一大事故,这些事故导致特拉维斯?卡兰尼克辞去了首席执行官的职位。Police said they were investigating a fatal collision on Sunday evening involving an Uber autonomous vehicle.警方表示,他们正在调查周日晚上发生的涉及优步一辆自主驾驶汽车的致命撞人事故。“The vehicle involved is one of Uber’s self-driving vehicles. It was in autonomous mode at the time of the collision, with a vehicle operator behind the wheel,” Tempe police said. There were no passengers in the car.“涉案车辆是优步的自动驾驶车辆之一。该车在碰撞时处于自主驾驶模式,方向盘后有一名驾驶员,”坦佩警方表示。当时车内没有乘客。The woman was crossing the road, apparently without using a designated pedestrian crossing, when she was struck by the Uber vehicle, a Volvo, according to the police. She was taken to hospital where she died from her injuries. “Uber is assisting and this is still an active investigation,” the police said.据警方介绍,被优步所用的沃尔沃汽车撞倒的女子当时在过马路,显然没有使用指定的人行横道。她被送往医院,但因伤重不治。“优步正在协助,调查仍在进行中,”警方说。The incident is believed to be the first time a pedestrian has been killed by a self-driving car. A Tesla driver died in a crash while the car was in autonomous mode in 2016.这起事件是行人首次被自动驾驶汽车撞死。2016年,一辆特斯拉(Tesla)汽车的司机在汽车处于自主模式时因车辆碰撞而死亡。Tempe is a suburb of Phoenix, one of a handful of North American cities alongside San Francisco, Toronto and Pittsburgh where Uber is testing its self-driving technology. Uber has suspended operations of its autonomous testing in all four locations.坦佩是菲尼克斯的一个郊区,该市是优步正在测试自动驾驶技术的少数几个北美城市之一;其他城市是旧金山、多伦多和匹兹堡。优步已在所有四个地点暂停自主驾驶的测试工作。“Our hearts go out to the victim’s -family,” Uber said. “We are fully co-operating with local authorities in their investigation of this incident.”“我们向受害者家属深表同情,”优步表示。“我们正与地方当局充分合作,协助他们调查这起事件。”Dara Khosrowshahi, Uber’s chief executive, said in a Twitter post: “Some incredibly sad news out of Arizona. We’re thinking of the victim’s family as we work with local law enforcement to understand what happened.”优步首席执行官达拉?霍斯劳沙希(Dara Khosrowshahi)在Twitter上表示:“亚利桑那州传来令人极为悲痛的消息。在我们与当地执法部门合作以了解事情的前因后果之际,我们心系受害者的家人。”===============================听外媒聊金融,更多精彩内容:崭新的女性企业文化全国两会来了!这份双语指南请收好!阿里巴巴危险的信用评级制度京东拟明年进军欧洲中国房地产政策收紧谷歌和腾讯达成专利共享协议女性成为家庭经济的主导者我的新年计划:再也不做月光族




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