
小智 0 2024-01-15









COVID-19 Therapeutics Accelerator gives Initial $20 Million for Clinical Trials


The partners in the COVID-19 The rapeutics Accelerator announced on March 30 grants of $20 million to three institutions―the University of Washington, University of Oxford, and La Jolla Institute for Immunology―to fund clinical trials in order to identify highly potent immunotherapies for the COVID-19 pandemic。


In addition, newly announced funding from government and philanthropic donors has added to the Accelerators initial funding。


The additional funds will allow the Accelerator to continue making grants to study repurposed drugs and investigate biological compounds for activity against COVID-19。 More funding is needed to move promising therapies through development and scale-up。


Currently, there are no broad-spectrum antivirals or immunotherapies available to prevent or treat COVID-19。


“These initial investments through the COVID-19 Therapeutics Accelerator will bring rigor to the study of these potential solutions。 The way forward will be informed by sound science and shared data。”said Mark Suzman, chief executive officer of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation。


SOS International Offers Tips for Efficiently Working From Home


Many organisations have suddenly had to implement an indefinite period of homeworking for employees due to the COVID-19 outbreak, bringing with it the potential for huge personal and business disruption。

为了便于雇主分享和帮助支持员工,国际SOS携手合作伙伴Affinity Health at Work 根据当前形势,列举了十项实用的建议技巧,帮助员工在居家办公时保持心理健康。

For employers to share and to help support employees, International SOS and Affinity Health at Work have drawn on existing evidence and outlined ten practical advice tips to maintain mental health whilst homeworking。


One of the most crucial psychological risks posed by homeworking is social isolation and many will be experiencing loneliness;

注册职业心理学家Rachel Lewis医生说:“我们必须意识到,每周保持这种工作方式三天以上通常会增加精神疾病风险,并且员工可能需要专业资源获得支持。”

“ It is critical to acknowledge that this method of working for over three days a week is often associated with increased mental ill-health and that employees may need access to support through this。” said Dr Rachel Lewis, Registered Occupational Psychologist。


SOS website offers tips to maintain mental wellness while working from home。


Decide where at home work will happen,keep a regular routine,have a clear end to your working day,consider physiological health impacts upon psychological health,reach out to others,as soon as possible, communicate with your co-workers about how you are going to work,prioritise informal communication,build in regular respite to your day,remember health promoting behaviours,embrace the positives。


All Korean Air Executives To Take Salary Reduction


All Korean Air executives will forgo part of their salaries in response to the worsening business environment due to the COVID-19 virus outbreak。


Korean Air announced that salaries of its executive vice presidents and above will be reduced by 50%, senior vice presidents by 40%, and managing vice presidents by 30%, starting from April。


Korean Air will also take other self-rescue measures to improve its financial structure。 In addition to the previously announced sale of idle assets, such as the Songhyeon-dong site, the airline will actively seek to raise funds by selling other non-core assets。


An internal emergency response committee and a special task force team has been established to evaluate and respond to the current crisis caused by COVID-19。


Also, while striving to reduce operation costs, the airline is proactively exploring business opportunities such as boosting cargo operations by utilizing passenger jets as freighters。


J&J Will Begin Human Testing Of Its Coronavirus Vaccine By September


Johnson & Johnson said Monday human testing of its experimental vaccine for the coronavirus would begin by September and that it could be available for emergency use authorization in early 2021。


Johnson & Johnson also said it has committed more than $1 billion of investment along with U.S。 agency Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, which is part of the Department of Health and Human Services, to co-fund vaccine research。


Shares of Johnson & Johnson rose more than 5% in premarket trading。


The company said it is also increasing its manufacturing capacity with a new site in the U.S。 and additions to previously existing sites in other countries to produce and distribute the potential vaccine quickly。

强生公司董事长兼首席执行官亚历克斯戈尔斯基说: “世界正面临一场紧迫的公共卫生危机,我们致力于在全球范围内提供一种让人们负担得起的COVID-19疫苗。”

“The world is facing an urgent public health crisis and we are committed to doing our part to make a COVID-19 vaccine available and affordable globally as quickly as possible。” said Alex Gorsky, chairman and CEO of Johnson & Johnson。





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