
summer 0 2024-01-15


去年以来,“人造肉”绝对算得上是食品行业的热词之一。去年10月,金字火腿成为国内首家正式销售人造肉的企业。在第二届中国国际进博会期间,美国人造肉公司Impossible Foods带着“人造肉汉堡”亮相中国市场。此后,有人造肉品牌入驻天猫国际,开启中国市场的竞争。






ADB Approves CNY130 Million Private Sector Loan To Support Coronavirus Response In PRC


The Asian Development Bank signed an agreement on Feb.25 for a private sector loan of up to CNY130 million to Jointown Pharmaceutical Group Co。 Ltd。 in the Peoples Republic of China 。


The local currency loan will support Jointowns efforts to ensure a continued supply of essential medicines and personal protective equipment such as protective clothing, gloves, goggles, face masks, and respirators。


The financing is ADBs first private sector assistance to support health security and was expedited under a streamlined approval process for small nonsovereign transactions。


The two-year loan will complement loans already provided to Jointown by PRC financial institutions。


“This financing will help Jointown to maintain adequate stock of urgently needed medical supplies, antiviral drugs, and personal protective equipment for distribution to hospitals and retail pharmacy outlets,” said the Director General of ADBs Private Sector Operations Department Mike Barrow。


“By focusing support at the center of the outbreak, the assistance will make a meaningful contribution to Jointowns crucial role in containing the spread。”


SUEZ NWS Fights COVID-19 Epidemic With Specialized Tech


Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, SUEZ NWS has swiftly implemented a series of measures to ensure the safety and reliability of its water supply, as well as its waste collection and wastewater treatment services across China。


Water quality control: Disinfection protocols in water production are being strictly enforced during these extraordinary times。 The removal of bacteria and viruses during the enhanced purification process ensures that water quality is 100% compliant with drinking water standards。


Hazardous waste and medical waste treatment: SUEZ NWS has scheduled its activities in strict accordance with local government requirements。


SCIP SITA is collecting and incinerating discarded masks in centralized depositaries, to prevent secondary hazards。


Nantong Recycling and Recovery is treating solid waste as it arrives。 Alongside consistent enforcement of existing processes, special medical waste generated during the epidemic is now subject to a series of emergency protocols, including three layers of packaging, separate storage and transfer, logging and escort by dedicated staff。


It is also subject to priority disposal。 Each medical waste recycling box is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected to ensure that waste is promptly, efficiently and harmlessly disposed of in a timely fashion to stop onward transmission of the virus。

微软即将推出Xbox X系列

Microsoft Is Launching The Xbox X Series

据外媒报道,微软称即将推出的Xbox X系列是其迄今为止最强大的游戏机,而这家科技巨头希望用一些新规格来支持这一说法。

Microsoft has called the upcoming Xbox Series X its most powerful console yet, and the tech giant wants to back up those claims with some new specs。

该公司表示,这款游戏机将带来“在处理和图形处理能力上的跨时代飞跃”。Xbox系列X的处理能力将是Xbox One的四倍,GPU性能为每秒12万亿次浮点运算,是Xbox One X图形处理能力的两倍。

The console will deliver a “generational leap in processing and graphics power,” the company said。 Xbox Series X will feature four times the processing power of an Xbox One and 12 teraflops of GPU performance, twice the graphics power of the Xbox One X。

Xbox的向后兼容性将延续到x系列。除了新游戏,微软还在优化为Xbox One、Xbox 360和原Xbox打造的游戏,使其在新游戏机上运行良好。

Xbox backward-compatibility will live on with the Series X。 In addition to new games, Microsoft is optimizing games built for Xbox One, Xbox 360 and the original Xbox to work well on the new console。

一项名为Quick Resume的新功能将允许用户在玩多款游戏时从中断的地方开始,而不必通过加载屏幕。

A new feature called Quick Resume will allow users to pick up where they left off on multiple games, without having to go through loading screens。


Expedia Cuts 3000 Jobs


In an email sent to staff recently, unnamed executives from Expedia Groups “Travel Leadership Team” said the company had been “pursuing growth in an unhealthy and undisciplined way”。


Expedia Group is laying off 12 percent of its workforce, about 3,000 employees, in an effort to “streamline and focus” the Seattle-based online travel giant under chairman Barry Diller following the ouster of its CEO and CFO late last year。


Expedia said at the time that it was targeting $300 to $500 million of annual cost savings, but hadnt previously announced explicit plans for job cuts。


About 500 people will be let go in Seattle, where Expedia recently moved to a new 40-acre waterfront campus and employs more than 4,000 people。


Expedia said it will eliminate certain projects and activities, and reduce the use of vendors and contractors。 It will provide impacted workers with severance packages that include extended healthcare。




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